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Gummy Smile Corrections

Gummy Smile Corrections

A smile is considered “gummy” when it shows an excess of gingival tissue (3 mm or more). This cosmetic concern is more common among women than men, especially those in their 20s and 30s. Often a gummy smile is the result of your unique genetics. Other factory may also be at play, including Abnormal tooth eruption, Improper bite, Muscular Issues, Hyperactive upper Lip.





“At another dentist I was told the excess gum in my smile needed to be reduced by surgical procedure which would require surgical blade and stitches. at das dental clinic I was offered a bloodless procedure without stiches and without pain for the same result which I immediately jumped on. As expected, the results turned out beautifully and painlessly”


Gummy smile Braces / Orthodontic Treatment

If upper front teeth have erupted more or forward, we have several options to correct them either by braces or Invisalign treatment. Orthodontic treatment pulls the teeth behind and repositions the lip in tis proper position which drapes the gum tissue and corrects your smile.

Orthognathic Surgery

If the skeletal deformity is beyond the limit of the above-mentioned treatment as in cases of vertical maxillary excess then we have to go for orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery) where the upper jaw is repositioned surgically to restore the correct facial profile.

Treatment of Systemic Causes

If the reason for excessive gum enlargement is hormonal or is due to medicaitons or tumours eliminate of the causative factor is the cure for the gum enlargement.

Frequently Ask Questions

Is gummy smile treatment a one-time treatment?

Certainly , treatment with lasers and braces are a one-time solution. However, cosmetic Botox injections are temporary. You may need to take this painless Injection in every 4-6 months depending on your requirement. However, it requires minimal time to carry out the gummy smile correction.

When can I go to work after gummy smile treatment?

The treatment will not hinder your regular activities. You can absolutely go to work the next day.

Do I have to take any precaution for taking this treatment?

Certainly not. You can comfortably sit on the dental chair, and our experts will take care of the rest.

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