09130812537 ddsclinic@gmail.com

Crowns And Bridges


Crown & Bridges

A dental bridge is a non-removable appliance and offers an excellent, minimally-invasive option for replacing missing teeth. We often recommend dental bridges as an alternative to traditional dentures, and a non-surgical alternative to implants. A traditional dental bridge relies on crowns placed over healthy teeth on either side of the gap in your mouth to hold the replacement teeth in place.  crowns : A dental crown is like a cap that covers the entire visible portion of the tooth, protecting its remaining structure and bringing back its original shape, size, and color.




1.  We’ll prepare the surface of your tooth, clearing away any decay and reshaping the tooth.

2.  Our team will take a 3D scan of your mouth so we can customize the crown to your teeth. ( no goopy, gappy impressions)

3.  Using our high-tech milling machine, your permanent crown will be created in about 20 minutes.

4.  We’ll carefully place the crown and ensure the perfect fit.

We believe going to the dentist should be a positive and empowering experience. Our entire staff is dedicated to helping you know the joy of a happy, healthy smile.

Frequently Ask Questions

I have a damaged crown, can you help?

If you have a crown that’s cracked, feels loose, or has fallen out, we can help. We may be able to bond the crown back in place. Other times. A new crown might be a better choice. Our crowns are designed to be a perfect fit and last for 15+ years.

How is a dental crown done?

Getting a dental crown starts with our dentist preparing the surface of your tooth. Next, we’ll take a digital image of your tooth and place a temporary crown. We work closely with a local lab to design your crown. Once your restoration is ready, we’ll cement the crown in your mouth and you’ll be done.

How long do dental crowns last?

Many people ask us if dental crowns are permanent. Dental crowns are a fixed prosthetic restoration and with proper care, can last 15 to 30 years.

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